Friday, January 13, 2012

Band of the week...

I cannot get enough of Jimmy Eat World is today's "repeat"'s so good--give it a listen for old times sake!

Monday, January 9, 2012

For me THIS is heaven...

Hey, remember me? The girl who neglects her blog? Oh yeah, well I finally have something I found worthy enough of posting about. A week or so ago, I went on a little road trip with my cute family. We drove from Minnesota. It was a long time to be in a car...(we all know how much I love being in cars) but it was not bad at all. It was fun in fact. Partly because we listened to this:

You know how sometimes you forget that certain music exists, and then you hear it again and you're like...AHHH!!! (heavens opening, angel choir singing) And it's like time rewinds? Well that is how this CD is for me. 2 songs in particular. I had one of them in my head tonight while I was quilting so I decided to turn it on. And I'm in love all over again. So here's a story. Shortly after Jeff and I met he came to visit me at my apartment on foothill. He had never been there before...he got lost on the way there and drove halfway up parleys canyon (he he he)...anyway it was late by the time he got there...he had been interviewing for med schools and had just gotten back and he drove straight from the airport to my apartment. He was wearing a gray hoodie and Aqua di Gio (yum!) and we sat out on my balcony and listened to music and talked until like 3 a.m. (ahhh...the good ole days when I was actually capable of staying up until then without running into walls or hallucinating ;) Anyway, Jeff loaned me this CD and I listened to it for weeks in my car. So now any time I hear it I always think of when Jeff and I first met...good times!

So now...enjoy this:
the cute boy!

and these sweet songs: