Saturday, November 16, 2013


I don't like cilantro. Or cantaloupe. Or steak. All things my husband likes. I like 80's rock, and country. Husband...not really a fan. This is totally ok with me...everyone likes different foods and different music. (But too bad for him-- I'm the grocery shopper and the guess which things he doesn't eat very often?) ;) Sometimes I buy him clothes, and occasionally he doesn't like them. He has told me before (though not in these exact words) that he thinks he has better fashion sense than I do. I'm not offended. Everyone has different taste. I get that. But every once in a while I am mystified by what other people like. I've made a few quilts in the past that I think are super cool, cute and pretty much the best things ever. I post them on my blog...and then don't get near the response from the online community that I expect. It's disappointing...but probably only because I think that everyone else will see it the way that I see it, and they don't. Expectations are a funny thing. So then I make a quilt that is mediocre in my mind--not great, just OK. Not my favorite quilt ever. And it goes VIRAL on pinterest. This has happened a few times. And I sit back, scratch my head and say, "What?!" Did not see that coming. And every time this happens, I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter what other people think of my stuff...cause it's I will enjoy what I like, and let others do the same. And we'll all be one big happy family...

Would you like to guess which is my favorite? Which one is yours?