Saturday, November 16, 2013


I don't like cilantro. Or cantaloupe. Or steak. All things my husband likes. I like 80's rock, and country. Husband...not really a fan. This is totally ok with me...everyone likes different foods and different music. (But too bad for him-- I'm the grocery shopper and the guess which things he doesn't eat very often?) ;) Sometimes I buy him clothes, and occasionally he doesn't like them. He has told me before (though not in these exact words) that he thinks he has better fashion sense than I do. I'm not offended. Everyone has different taste. I get that. But every once in a while I am mystified by what other people like. I've made a few quilts in the past that I think are super cool, cute and pretty much the best things ever. I post them on my blog...and then don't get near the response from the online community that I expect. It's disappointing...but probably only because I think that everyone else will see it the way that I see it, and they don't. Expectations are a funny thing. So then I make a quilt that is mediocre in my mind--not great, just OK. Not my favorite quilt ever. And it goes VIRAL on pinterest. This has happened a few times. And I sit back, scratch my head and say, "What?!" Did not see that coming. And every time this happens, I have to remind myself that it doesn't matter what other people think of my stuff...cause it's I will enjoy what I like, and let others do the same. And we'll all be one big happy family...

Would you like to guess which is my favorite? Which one is yours?


  1. All your quilts are so beautiful! I love the design on both. It's crazy how you can come up with a pattern based off of something you see like a rag or picture. I REALLY LOVE the darker pink and blue colors on the zeros baby quilt. I'm sad that we are moving Kenzie to a twin bed because her beautiful quilt you made for her wont fit anymore. Although that probably wont stop me from using it still :) It's way to cute!

  2. I like them both. I like the fabric on the bottom one though. I would love to see which quilts are YOUR favorites.

  3. LOL, as the yuppies used to say 'I see where you're coming from' we all have different tastes. I like both but if I had to choose no 1 for me. :)

    Peg x

  4. I agree with Kaeli, I would be interested to see what your favorite quilts are too.
