Friday, February 28, 2014

Don't worry...I've taught you well.

Juli and I may or may not have watched a classic movie last week. Well...we didn't exactly sit down and watch it... But it was definitely on while we were painting. Since having children (and growing up a bit?) I have pretty much forgotten how to quote movie lines. Oh oh OH! It's probably because I hardly ever watch movies anymore! So I guess I haven't really forgotten how to do it... Because one showing of a quotable flick and it's all coming back to me! For real, it's been over a week since I saw the movie, but I have been catching myself saying things like:

"She really is..."
"Chew like you have a secret."
"When debutantes disagree, they say it with their eyes."
"You know you could use the front door."
"This is not good"
"Trouble with your wig Hastings?"
"I made breakfast darling!"
And "just know!"

And of course you can't just say the have to say them in the voice of the character in the show. It's gotten so bad that the kids are saying the lines too...
Oh, and poor Juli has been getting text challenges to use some of the lines in a conversation (twiglet)!! Oh what fun!!

Man, there is nothing like a good quotable movie! I think I'll watch it again!

Word, G-mun.


  1. Don't worry, I've been threatening to make Tom watch this so he can laugh with me when I quote it (because I find ways to quote it often). You're good at it though! Seriously, it's impressive. We need before and after pictures of your house now. :)

  2. Hahahaha I was seriously laughing hysterically at these quotes! Best post ever!
