My third year of college, I decided I was going to be an art major with an emphasis in photography. So that first semester I signed up for all the required classes: art history, art appreciation, two dimensional design and three dimensional design. I actually really enjoyed all of the classes, however in the end I decided not to pursue a degree in photography... Mostly because I wasn't a super awesome photographer. But also because the prevailing theme in every class where you actually had to create your own art was that there were certain design principles that should be followed, however the grading was all very subjective... It seemed like if the teacher liked your stuff you got a good grade. If they did not, then you did not. Case in point, my two-dimensional design class. I'm pretty sure all we did was make art projects in that class and it was awesome! I would get excited about every assignment because I thought my ideas were good and I was always very pleased with my finished projects. And then I would take them to class and the teacher would be less than thrilled... It was frustrating and downright annoying when I got a B- in that class. And the worst part is it actually made me question my abilities as an artist. Good thing that 15 years later I have come to my senses and realized that anyone can be an artist. And some people will like my stuff and some people will not... But that does not make it any less "art". So the last few years as I have created what I think are amazing and artistic quilts... I have thought a few times, "take that 2-D design teacher!"
:) So go be artistic!!