Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stuff on Toast

Is there a term for eating things on toast? You know how if you have a piece of pie with ice cream it's called "pie al a mode"? Well I think there should be a term for eating things on toast. Because toast  is delicious. And because I eat a LOT of things on toast! I found a list online of things that are good on toast and a couple of my favorites did not make the list! So just for fun here are a few of my favorite things to eat on toast (The toast must be buttered for maximum deliciousness. Also, some foods taste better on white toast and some are better on wheat... but I think that is just a personal preference).

Yogurt --obviously. Learned this one at a very young age. I have been surprised how many people have not even tried this! College roommates, mission companions, pretty much anyone who has ever seen me eat yogurt on toast always gives me a really funny look, but once they try it they're totally converted!

Cream of Wheat -- Um, yes! I am not a brown sugar in cream of wheat type of gal... Nope...I like it plain, and spread on buttered toast!

Scrambled eggs-- Yum Yum Yum! If only I could figure out a better way to keep the eggs from falling off the toast while I am eating it...

Spaghetti--This was my go to high school lunch... You know that year I was coming home for lunch every day during volleyball season?  Well anyway... Spaghetti on toast is awesome!

Minestrone Soup--This is even better if it's leftover minestrone soup! I think I discovered this one when I was trying to gag down Mom's minestrone (Who likes the soup that is completely full of vegetables when they are a kid?) --now, it's the only way I eat it and I love it!

So there you have it.... Go enjoy something delicious on toast today! :)