Monday, February 20, 2012

Did you know...

That if you put some dry white beans in a pot of water and turn up the heat so it will boil...and then forget about them...the next time you see the beans they will be black? And smoking up your whole kitchen? Well I didn't know that, but I figured it out this afternoon. And did you also know that if you put a super hot pot on a hot pad that still has tags attached, it will not only melt your hot pad, but melt the tags to the bottom of your pot? And did you know that it takes forever to get rid of the smell of smoke? Seriously, open windows with a cross breeze, ceiling fans, febreeze, me running around dorkily fanning the air with a plastic place mat...and the whole house still smells awful! I have been learning all kinds of new things today! It's been a good reminder for me of how much I HATE distractions!!! And short term memory loss! Happy cooking!


  1. Hahah!! Oh man, this is bringing back great memories of my roommate burning something up downstairs. You're not gonna like this Cynth, but I think the smell still lingers...

  2. Bahaha! That is bad. What do white beans taste like? Sounds like a rough bean-cooking day...

  3. Super funny. I can just imagine that.
