Monday, August 13, 2012

(short term) memory loss

You know how you do some things so many times that it is easy to forget if you did it this time? For example, I take my vitamins as part of my bedtime routine. Some times I get to the end of my routine and think, "did I already take my vitamin? I can't remember!" And the sad part is, if I did take it, it was less than 5 minutes ago that I did it! Sad. And super irritating! Because then I don't dare take it just in case I already did! So what reminded me of this was tonight when I went down to put some clothes in the dryer. I use dryer sheets, and normally I throw one in before I put the clothes in...but not always. So every time before I start the dryer, I think, "did I already put one in?" I can't see it if I did...since it's under a pile of wet clothes...but i also can't remember back to two minutes earlier and whether or not I have done it. So because i am too lazy to dig under the clothes to find out, I just throw another one in, just in case I didn't do it. Static cling is worse than a wasted dryer sheet! And you wouldn't believe how many times I have found two dryer sheets in a basket of clean laundry. Why can I remember the address to the bus station after a whole month but I can't remember what I did 2 minutes ago? Brains are weird.


  1. I do that too! But with other things. You know how you could solve the dryer sheet problem? Just use two. They can't cost THAT much per sheet...

  2. So I tried to make a comment the other day on my phone, but then it wouldn't let me publish it. All you need to know is, our good friend Andrew D. has short term memory loss as well. Somehow from the living room to the kitchen (5 whole steps) he forgot why he went into the kitchen...To make dinner. It was funny.
