Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Baby brain

Sometimes I am amazed at the amount of brain cells you lose when you have a baby. I mean, you know you're tired. The sleep deprivation is pretty obvious. But the loss of brain cells kind of sneaks up on you… Like today, for example. I had to pick Miss M up from school at 11:40. I knew the parking lot at the school would be crowded because of a special event going on, so I decided to leave a little early. I got the other two kids ready, put them in the car, got them seat belted in and then dug around in my purse for my keys. Not finding them, I ran back inside to see if they were on the counter. Nope. So I ran back outside, dug around in my bag again, and asked my three-year-old if she knew where my keys were. (sometimes she plays with them and hides them or loses them). She said they were probably in a drawer. So at this point I am thinking, great, we are going to be late. So I called one of my friends who was picking up her kid from the school and asked her to tell the teacher that I would be late and might need to pick up Miss M in the office since I could not find my keys. Meanwhile, the baby was screaming so I decided to pull both kids out of the car and bring them in the house so my three-year-old could help me find the keys. So I took both kids into the house, put the baby seat down on the floor and went back outside to check my purse one more time. It was then that I noticed the dinging sound coming from the car... You know the sound...it's the one that happens when the door is open and you've left your keys IN THE IGNITION! If I'd had time, I would've smacked myself in the forehead! Seriously? How is it possible that I had stuck the keys in the ignition not two minutes earlier and could not remember that I had done it? Amazing. Well luckily I was able to throw both kids back in the car, call my friend and let her know I was on my way and get to the school before the teacher locked the gate. My only excuse is baby brain...


  1. Lol, That's awesome! Grandma is always telling me how she is losing it but since I've had kids I feel like she's got it together better then I do. I'm always losing stuff two seconds after I set them down.

  2. Hahaha! Oh man. That was good. I love the picture. I can't wait to see what all of your kiddos look like when they are grown up. Your poor brain. I can't remember full conversations sometimes... So how do we explain that?

  3. Did you think up the "baby brain" name? It's perfect. And yes, I can totally relate to this, and also to your earlier post about not remembering taking vitamins! I think it's the automatic things we do that we don't remember (did I lock the door, did I turn off the iron?). BTW, why DID I come in here?
    That picture is the best!
    Um, I don't remember hearing about this blog before--should I blame it on baby brain? Thanks for telling me--it's super entertaining!

  4. Ohhh boy. That picture is too good. And thanks for this post, yet another reason not to reproduce. ;)
