Saturday, November 19, 2011

Totally Confused... everyone's obsession with "Twilight". Tonight we decided to have a little girls night. Michelle and Andrea and I went to see the new Twilight movie. (Against my better judgement). So we went to the theater. We got tickets. We stood in line for popcorn...the teenyboppers next to us in line had "Team Jacob" or "Team Edward" written on their hands and arms. Seriously, there are teams for this? Amazing. The movie itself was...interesting. I was going back and forth between laughing and rolling my eyes. I never read all the books, so I pretty much had no idea what was really going on. And a few of parts were just gross (so I covered my eyes). I just can't take that stuff seriously. But it was fun to have a night out. Michelle wants me to start a countdown for when the second part of the movie is coming out, but I definitely won't be holding my breath...I've had enough Twilight to last me the rest of my life. On a more exciting note, we did hit Old Navy again on the way to the show and got some cute silver flip flops (for 75 cents) to match Madi's little dress! Yes friends, yes.


  1. Hmm... What did Michelle and Andrea think?

  2. The books were good but I quit reading them after the 3rd one. I have heard how Breaking Dawn ends and I plan on never watching the movies again. It's too bad the movies make us laugh. The books weren't bad.

  3. What were you covering your eyes from? I don't know what happens either. I watched the first movie that came out and that was enough for me. You think the teenage girls picking teams is bad...there are plenty o' Utah County moms who have picked teams as well. Yuck.
