Friday, November 11, 2011

I forgot I had a blog.

Getting older is an interesting thing. Sometimes (ok, everytime) when I talk to grandma, she tells me she is getting old and forgetful. And then she proceeds to tell me all about whatever the thing was that she had forgotten that day. I always tell her not to worry, I am only 31 and I forget stuff all the time. Usually it is not anything serious (like where I live or what my kids names are), but it is still irritating. I forgot about my favorite blog for a whole week. Just forgot it even existed...and I forgot about this blog. It's not like I wasn't on the computer (all day, every day...Arizona is kinda boring), I was. Just didn't remember that there were a few awesome time wasters that I was neglecting. So in honor of my memory loss, enjoy an old joke (that dad has told several times) that is very fitting.

Two old men were playing cards one night as they had done for years. Max, the older one, had been having trouble remembering what cards were what and usually needed help from his wife. 

At the end of the card game, Ed said to Max, "You did fine tonight, you didn't need any help at all! What's your secret?"

Max replied, "Ever since my wife sent me to that memory school, I haven't had any problems at all!"

"Must be a great school, what's it called?"

Max thought for a minute, "'s a and pretty...with thorns..."

"A rose!" Ed guessed.

"Right... Rose, what's the name of that school?"


  1. Ha! Dad just told me that joke the other night! How funny. But what's not funny is how you forgot about blogging. Sad day. Also, I tried to call you... Just to chat, but still.

  2. That is quite interesting that you just forgot about blogs. That's one more reason I'm not looking forward to an age beginning with a 3. Every time I read this blog I think, it would be sweet if she did a themed post that goes with one of the adjectives in your title. For example, the next post should be about something crazy or frivolous. Just a thought.
