Sunday, October 16, 2011

It's like that.

So I just want to thank Lori for giving me something to post about. I have been in a blogging slump this week. So you want to know some random things about me eh? Well here ya go:

1. I make up random songs that I sing to my girls throughout the day. Usually they are to the tune "Twinkle, twinkle, little star." Sometimes they rhyme. Sometimes they don't.

2. In my future life, I secretly want to live next door to a really cool girl that I can be best friends with. Hopefully she will have kids the same ages as mine, and like quilting of course. I've actually thought about knocking on doors in the neighborhood where we buy our next house so I can audition potential candidates.

3. I love lemon-berry slushies from is one of the only drinks I will order besides water.

4. I really like to take pictures. Lots of pictures. My camera is my friend. I remember what it was like before digital photography, and I just have to say I am so glad I live during the digital age!

5. I envy girls who seem "put together." I am not that girl. I am always running 5-10 minutes late and my never perfect.

6. I like using words that make me sound smart...but I don't know very many.

7. I generally dislike "tagging" and being "tagged" so I am disinclined to acquiesce to the request to tag someone else.

Now you are Cynthia experts! Go have some chocolate ice cream and celebrate!


  1. Ha! Good thing I had some chocolate ice cream BEFORE I read this. And now we're out. I'm glad I'm a Cynthia expert though, it makes me feel really accomplished.

  2. Ha yeah, you're good. Don't worry about tagging anyone. Thanks for playing the game though!
